Clicks don’t pay the bills, so we built heatmap

Finally, ecommerce brands can stop wasting time on clickmaps. Optimize for revenue with the only on-site analytics platform that ties it to every element on every page.

Try Free for 7 Days

The revenue heatmap you’ve always dreamed of

You want to know what’s working on your website. Unfortunately, your current on-site analytics solution only shows clicks and scrolls. We like to call that a “clickmap.” It’s a neat tool, but it won’t make you more money. This will.

Interactive revenue-based heatmaps

The first Heatmap to show revenue of every click on every element on your website. Yes, even your mobile nav.

Revenue-based scrollmaps

User drop-off is neat. Revenue drop-off  will blow your freakin’ mind. Uncover hidden gems buried on every page.

Comparison mode

Purchasers vs rage clickers. High AOV vs low AOV. New vs returning. Meta vs Tiktok. The possibilities are endless.

12+ filters

Slice data as you see fit with pre-made filters and a custom builder that’ll fill the UA shaped hole in your heart.

“I've been able to figure out what elements actually increase AOV and optimize our landing pages to drive more first purchase profitability, we're up 23% YoY.”

Ashvin Melwani CMO & Co-Founder
Get Started

Introducing heatmapAI,

your on-demand CRO expert

Our AI prediction engine combines trillions of owned data points with tactics honed optimizing over $4 billion in ecommerce revenue to provide specific website improvements that drive higher revenue per session.

500+ AI recommendations

AI-generated insights to improve your site. From copy tweaks to reordering sections to enhancing images and everything in between.

AI-powered element identification

Unique names are assigned to elements on every page, making analysis infinitely easier. Works 88% of the time, all the time.

heatmap works with every ecommerce CMS

Shopify? Check. BigCommerce? Yup. Woo? Duh.  Even the custom one you’ve regretted since its inception.

Screen recordings that show you how buyers actually buy

Watching clickers and scrollers is for people who don’t care about revenue.
 Heatmap screen recordings help you  understand how purchasers behave on your website. 

Revenue-based screen recordings

Uncover how customers buy, develop new split-testing hypotheses, and more by watching any engaged session

Timeline + Overview

Skip to any click, scroll, or movement in a recording to make empirical research more efficient.

12+ filters

Only watch the session you care about. Filter by AOV, source, location, or build custom segments.

“Since we switched to Heatmap our split tests have literally DOUBLED in revenue. It's crazy not to get Heatmap on your website.”

Oliver Kenyon Co-Founder
Get Started

High-level insights to guide revenue-first site optimization

Check out key, site-wide insights like engaged sessions, scroll depth, and time on site, or access recommendations to improve site speed and code errors.

Revenue Per Session (RPS)

Track the amount of money each element drives based on the total visits your website receives. Heatmap’s the only place you can get it.

Top pages + Rage clicks

Access your most visited pages (or the ones pissing the most people off).

Site speed tracking

The only on-site analytics platform with built-in site speed tracking and recommendations.

AI-powered JavaScript error tracking

heatmapAI turns codebase errors that could impact site performance into actionable advice.

Split testing just got a helluva lot easier

heatmap seamlessly integrates with leading split-testing platforms. No complicated workarounds. No Oauth. We worked directly with each platform so it works out-of-the-box.

Why choose the only revenue-based heatmap?

Installing Heatmap takes less than five minutes. You can get started for free. 
It’s a no brainer, people! Just add our snippet to your website to start tracking and optimizing for revenue today.

Your data is your data

No key-logging. No cookie sniffing. No IP logging. We couldn’t sell your data to third parties even if we wanted to.

GDPR compliant

The only thing we care about more than revenue is privacy. Heatmap is 100% GDPR & CCPA ready.

Track every visitor (anonymously)

Revenue Per Session is possible because we track every single engaged session on your website. No sampling. Ever.

No, it won’t slow your site down

We tested it (duh) with $2M+ in sales. Performance was identical with and without our snippet.

You made it all the way down here?

Might as well give us a shot, right? It'll change the way you approach CRO. We promise. In fact, our friend Nate over at Original Grain used element-level revenue data from heatmap to identify high-impact areas of his website to test, resulting in a  17% lift in Revenue per Session while scaling site traffic by 43%. Be like Nate. Try heatmap today.

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