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We have a unique User ID per session on your website. With a snippet in your site header and thank you page, we’re able to track all your transactions with revenue and all the pre-purchase actions someone took on your website.
Yes! Any CMS (Shopify, Wordpress, WooCommerce, Webflow, Clickfunnels, etc) as well as fully custom websites. We built custom snippets for each platform to track revenue.
No! We built Website-Speed Protection into our product to be faster than all competitors. Our snippet is only 8kb. We split-tested over $2 million in revenue with and without Heatmap.com and there was no change in performance!
Two minutes or less. Our onboarding walks you through step-by-step (with videos) to show you how to install the snippets.
Probably not! You only need to install snippets which you can copy & paste from Heatmap.com’s Onboarding docs.
Yes you can! You’ll need to make sure your goal settings are lined-up with the default Heatmap.com tracking metrics. If not, our developers will handle this for you!
Yes. 100% GDPR compliant.