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CRO deep dives + hacks

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Don’t just take our word for it

Nik Sharma

My favorite sound I can hear all the way from Brooklyn is the alarm bells that go off every time someone new signs up for heatmap and decides they are ready to take their site to the next level

(Love the new site design too)

Spencer Pawliw

Winning Split Tests #1 - Collection Page Optimization+

$71,286 per month in revenue with 97% significance.

How You Can Do It:
1: Download @heatmapme
2: Wait for 5k sessions
3: Reorganize products based on the highest revenue per session from top left to bottom right.

Ashvin Melwani

I've been able to figure out what elements actually increase AOV and optimize our landing pages to drive more first purchase profitability, we're up 23% YoY

Frequently Asked Questions

How does heatmap track revenue on my website?

We have a unique User ID per session on your website. With a snippet in your site header and thank you page, we’re able to track all your transactions with revenue and all the pre-purchase actions someone took on your website.

Does heatmap work on every website?

Yes! Any CMS (Shopify, Wordpress, WooCommerce, Webflow, Clickfunnels, etc) as well as fully custom websites. We built custom snippets for each platform to track revenue.

Will this slow down my website?

No! We built Website-Speed Protection into our product to be faster than all competitors. Our snippet is only 8kb. We split-tested over $2 million in revenue with and without and there was no change in performance!

How long does it take to install?

Two minutes or less. Our onboarding walks you through step-by-step (with videos) to show you how to install the snippets.

Do I need developers to install heatmap?

Probably not! You only need to install snippets which you can copy & paste from’s Onboarding docs.

Can I install heatmap on Google Tag Manager?

Yes you can! You’ll need to make sure your goal settings are lined-up with the default tracking metrics. If not, our developers will handle this for you!

Is heatmap GDPR Compliant?

Yes. 100% GDPR compliant.