My name is blog and I will
have my vengeance

If you get this reference, email chase at heatmap dot com and he'll give you free sh*t.

Conversion Hack

On a product page, NEVER use more than 3 value propositions (UVPs). Using more than 3 UVPs loses trust with consumers. It “feels dishonest”. Subconsciously “good to be true”. Even if you have 7 REAL competitive advantages, do not use more than 3 on a product page.

You made it all the way down here?

Might as well give us a shot, right? It'll change the way you approach CRO. We promise. In fact, our friend Nate over at Original Grain used element-level revenue data from heatmap to identify high-impact areas of his website to test, resulting in a  17% lift in Revenue per Session while scaling site traffic by 43%. Be like Nate. Try heatmap today.

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